You can shop at with confidence. We have partnered with Shopify Payments (, Shopify’s own payment service used by thousands of online stores globally. We use Shopify Payment to accept credit cards and alternative forms of payment such as ApplePay, PayPal and GPay safely and securely for our customers.

Shopify Payment securely manages the complex routing of sensitive customer information through the electronic check and credit card processing networks. does not see, have access to or store your credit card; ApplePay, PayPal and GPay or similar payment information. This is all handled by Shopify Payment.

Shopify Payment adheres to strict industry standards for payment processing, including:

  • Opt-in texting
  • Security authentication
  • 6-digit order notification sent to mobile phones
  • All information is stored on PCI-compliant servers of Shopify


You can read more about how Shopify uses your Personal Information by reading Shopify’s privacy policy here: